I remember growing up in school never wanting to talk about being gay. But everyone knew I was gay. I was flamboyant, a tenor, got most solos in plays and our “glee” club. I got picked on sometimes and got called the occasional fag here and there, but for the most part was chill because I was kind of tough and had siblings that could fight for me(one was a blood).
Leading up to a Live performance, I sprained my ankle and got a cold all in the same weekend. I was frustrated, getting down on myself, complaining that I had practiced everyday, done everything my teachers always told me about preparation. I work out and stretch daily. This just shouldn't happen to me. I was panicking, looking for remedies and quick fixes for the show, could find nothing and freaked
Trying our hardest to stay positive We give them what they ask for. Staying silent for awhile, avoiding bringing race into music conversations. Not wanting to point out the obvious because you don’t want to be that black musician that complains about black issues. Click the link to read full Article! - Ang Low -
What is Soul Music? Soul music (often referred to simply as soul) is a popular music genre that originated in the United States in the late 1950s and early 1960s. It combines elements of African American , gospel music, rythym and blues and Jazz. When I read these definitions I get inspired. Inspired by stories of freedom and overcoming all, playing a part in the origin of soul. Feeling Like I belong where I am...
Beyond Your Wildest Dreams , Say Goodbye obamacare
Make America Great Again, come with me if you dare
Sold us things, a charmer you were
smooth talking salesman, promises by the word
We were waiting on ya, that insurance bluff
I guess when Obama worked on it, it wasn’t that rough
That ole big wall, you jeered crowds with
knowing that would never happen, not under a decent society’s shift
Just words i guess, I mean, what the hell?
“Grab em by the pussy” is all I remember well ...
What changed for me was playing a empty show. There was literally no one in the bars but myself. It was humbling and frustrating as the sound guy went to sleep and the bartenders stepped off for smokes. But in spite of the setting, I felt good because I was in my feelings and all I could do was let my own music make me feel better...
I sat in a recent meeting with a scouting manager who loved my music but thought I needed better branding.. he went into a list of artist who he thought I could be like and how that image and type of songwriting would benefit me....
Playing Kola House, NYC. August 12th at 7pm and Pianos NYC, Thursday August 21st at 9pm
The last two years have been great. signed to 2 labels for releases, worked with a great manager.. had a taste of what the industry can offer... but it wasn't for me.